Borneo vacation, Land below the wind

Jungles, mountains and tropical islands; a varied selection of Borneo's landscapes and wildlife on this fabulous tour of Malaysia's Sabah State.
Kota Kinabalu Dinawan Island Marine Conservation Project World Heritage Kinabalu National Park Sabah Organic Tea Plantation Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary Rainforest Discovery Centre Sun Bear Sanctuary Jungle trek Night Hike Kinabatangan Wildlife Spotting Boat Trips
US $1915ToUS $1950including domestic flights only
9 Days
Borneo, Malaysia
Small group
Group size
Maximum 12
More info
Includes all transport, activities, entrance fees, accomm.
(good 3*) & most meals as per itinerary.
(Visas & local tips not included.) Optional single room supplement $390 (Fully licensed & UK govt.
ATOL protected.)
£100 off per person for tours departing 11 February or 10 March 2024
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Description of Borneo vacation, Land below the wind

Price information

US $1915ToUS $1950including domestic flights only
Includes all transport, activities, entrance fees, accomm.
(good 3*) & most meals as per itinerary.
(Visas & local tips not included.) Optional single room supplement $390 (Fully licensed & UK govt.
ATOL protected.)
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Travel guides

Tacked onto the northern tip of Borneo, Sabah lays claim to more than its fair share of the earth's riches. Altitude aficionados can get their fix on ...
‘Orang-hutan’ means ‘person of the forest’, and this term was originally used to refer to forest dwelling humans as well as their shaggy, branch swing...


13 Reviews of Borneo vacation, Land below the wind

4.5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 04 Aug 2023 by

In such a short space of time, we saw Orangutans, Proboscis Monkeys, Pig-tail Macaques, Long-tail Macaques, Pygmy Elephants, A Flying Squirrel, Silver Leaf langurs and a few giant water monitor lizards! Really exceeding my expectations of what I wanted in terms of a wildlife trip... once in a life time! Read full review

Reviewed on 21 Feb 2023 by

It was excellent! Thank you. Read full review

Reviewed on 14 Feb 2023 by

Our highlight was seeing the Orangutans... A fabulous good value for money vacation with lovely people and an amazing guide. Read full review

Reviewed on 27 Sep 2023 by

The crocodile ;-) The river cruise in Kinabatangan River. Read full review

Reviewed on 05 Dec 2019 by

Great vacation, It is certainly a recommended destination. Read full review

Reviewed on 26 Nov 2019 by

Seeing a herd of pygmy elephants in the wild - our guide reckoned it was probably a 10% chance. Read full review

Reviewed on 06 Aug 2019 by

Our guide Edwin was fantastic! This was a vacation of a life time seeing the orangutans and the elephants in the wild. Read full review

Reviewed on 14 Aug 2019 by

Seeing an orang-utan and Pygmy elephant in the wild were the most memorable parts of the vacation. Read full review

Reviewed on 05 Oct 2018 by

We stayed on the river until sundown and saw the most spectacular sunset (that was a real 'pinch me, is this real?!' moment), and then celebrated the day with a bottle of Merlot back at the lodge. An unforgettable day. Read full review

Reviewed on 02 Oct 2018 by

The vacation far surpassed my expectations- and this was made so special by Sheila (our leader)’s passion and commitment to her “work”. Read full review

Reviewed on 10 Apr 2018 by

Probably seeing orang-utans in the wild and up very close at Sepilok rehabilitation center but the whole trip was both memorable and exciting! Read full review

Reviewed on 07 Mar 2017 by

The most memorable was seeing endangered orangutans up close in the sanctuary and watching their interactions. Visiting the sun bear sanctuary to watch the bears. Very enjoyable! Fairly much on the go most of the time, which suited me, until the free time on the island. Read full review

Reviewed on 23 Oct 2016 by

THE TRIP OF A LIFTIME. EXCELLENT (feels like a massive understatement) Read full review

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


Information: Providing suitable, relevant information for our customers; to help them to gain a wider understanding of our style of tourism that focuses on learning, genuine interaction with the local communities, reciprocity and cultural exchange processes. To be aware of the potential impact of tourism on the local society, culture and environment, and to behave and dress appropriately with a respect and appreciation for local customs, mores and traditions and a respect for the ecology of areas visited. Our guides and leaders thus facilitate communication of our values to both travelers and local communities, educating them in sustainable tourism practices.

Destinations: We combine the well known tourist sites with many off-the-beaten-track, rarely visited destinations thus diverting tourist revenue and contact with responsible tourism into areas not usually benefiting as well as providing a more authentic view of the region visited.

Local Awareness: By explaining our methods and the reasons behind them local agents, guides and hotels are encouraged by us to adopt further responsible tourism practices themselves and guides and drivers are provided with additional training in this respect. We carefully select the places we visit to ensure that none are involved in exploitative practices of people or animals.

In addition, some of the specific initiatives for this tour include the following: We work closely with The Penang Heritage Trust to organize our tour of some of the sites of Chinatown. The Heritage Trust provides a sensitive look at the culture and the history of the region. By our continued patronage of the service we contribute to the upkeep of the organization, which helps preserve the country's culture and educates its visitors to understand the genuine Penang.

We fully support the Rainforest Discovery Centre in Sepilok by sending our guests there for a visit. The center’s primary function is to create public awareness and appreciation of the importance of conserving forests, as well as the sustainable use of forest resources. This is one of the projects developed by the Sabah Forestry Department. The minimal entrance fee paid helps in funding the center.

We also visit and contribute to Sepilok Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre, considered to be the largest orang-utan rehab sanctuary in the world. The entrance fee our guests pay goes to the badly needed fund to run this huge operation of saving and rehabilitating orphaned and confiscated orang-utans, in the hope that one day every single one of them be released to the wild. Even sun bears, gibbons, Sumatran rhinos and elephants get treated here.

The Kinabatangan Nature Lodge in Bilit, Sabah, as part of their ongoing contribution to the environment, is possibly the only lodge in Asia to use FSC-standard certified timber (recycled wood) for building their facilities! (FSC is Forest Stewardship Council). The lodge have environmentally aware and environmentally friendly policies on amongst other things, waste disposal, reusable materials, involvement of the local community and care for the environment. They are also a partner of the ‘Corridor Of Life’ vision project, brainchild of the WWF-Malaysia. This project, formulated towards sustainable development, addresses the issues of reforestation, protection and management of the lower Kinabatangan (among their chosen locations). The lodge is also very actively involved in and committed to raising funds for the Voluntary Conservation Levy to establish fund to finance the cost of protecting and reforesting the area. They are also in the process of setting up a Grey-water Project to use recycled bath water for gardening. In our continual support for all these endeavours, we are sending clients there.

We stay at, and support, the Sabah Tea Plantation and learn about it’s organic, pesticide-free tea production. We are happy to use their accommodation, restaurant and guides as well as educating our travelers as to the methods of producing organic tea.

We participate in tree replanting scheme in the Kinabatangan River. Deforestation due to the rapid recent increase in planting palm trees for oil has meant that many of the natural flora is being destroyed along with wildlife habitats of more than just the orangutans. Tree planting is very labour intensive and the locals need all the help they can get, so tour participants dig a hole and plant a sapling.

Use of local transport (bus) for most part of the tour. The production of the tour is assisted by a small, locally based operator and using native Sabah guides only.


Group Sizes: By limiting groups to small sizes we aim to reduce the impact on both local communities and the environment whilst allowing for greater genuine interaction with said communities. It also results in a higher guide/customer ratio thus greater facility for supervision and individual assistance and allows us to use smaller hotels and restaurants and employ the services of more genuinely ‘local’ operators perhaps not otherwise well equipped for larger groups.

Local Products: As much as possible we aim to employ local personnel, (guides, drivers, agents etc), use local restaurants and smaller privately owned accommodation. Customers are also encouraged to buy and use local products and services as much as possible in order to support and stimulate the local economy. They are also advised against buying prohibited items and products made from parts of wild animals or plants.

We have included destinations not part of standard itineraries. In this way we spread responsible tourism into areas which do not get much income from tourism or awareness of responsible tourism practices. .

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