Botswana & Zambia family safari

This 12-day family safari to Botswana and Zambia takes in the vast vistas of Southern Africa, from Victoria Falls to the wildlife wonderlands of Moremi.
Victoria Falls Moremi Game Reserve private houseboat in Okavango Delta Chobe National Park elephants, lions, cheetah, hippo and croc country
US $3830ToUS $4790 excluding flights
12 Days
Botswana, Zambia
Small group
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Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
From $3400 - $4330 per child ex flights.
Mimimum age 7.
Last minute
Late availability on these dates: 30 Mar
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Description of Botswana & Zambia family safari


Price information

US $3830ToUS $4790 excluding flights
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
From $3400 - $4330 per child ex flights.
Mimimum age 7.
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Travel guides

Family safari
Anyone who’s ever been on safari talks about that first moment they spot animals in the wild; how extraordinary it is, after growing up on Attenboroug...
Family wildlife
Whatever you’re doing, wherever you’re going, the biggest challenge on a family vacation is keeping the kids entertained. That goes for family wildlife...

Vacation information

Small group family adventure:
This is a small group family adventure - typically you will join several other families and travel in a group of approx. 16 people. The trips are great value and a great way for you and your children to meet new people! While itineraries are pre-planned there is some flexibility and you'll have plenty of time to yourselves.
Tariffs are always per person so single parents will not pay a single supplement. A single parent with pre-schoolers would be paying for one person, for example, or with two school age kids, they would pay for 1 adult and 2 kids. Perfect for single parents, they don't need to feel alone as they would be in a villa, there are activities for kids and the kids and others often make solid friendships.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.

Planet and people

The pristine wilderness of Botswana with its varied ecosystems offers an unforgettable safari experience. Traveling in a specially equipped safari vehicle we explore the serene beauty of the Okavango delta and the wonderful game parks of the north.

Employing a local leader who is a fully trained wildlife guide - seemingly with the ability to spot even the best hidden animals - offers an insight into everyday life in Botswana. Local staff are trained to respect and preserve the environment that we are traveling through, so ensuring that this magnificent region remains an important income source for local communities for future generations.

Our Tour Leaders are all trained by us in the importance of responsible tourism with guidance given on how they can make a difference. This then percolates down through those they deal with.

In addition to the above, we are continually looking for ways to improve and are proud to be ‘Responsible in everything we do’. Education is key and so all staff, Tour Leaders and partnering suppliers are trained in responsible and sustainable tourism. At our Head Office, we continually strive towards a sustainable and planet-friendly working environment, including having solar panels installed and a company commitment to reducing our plastic usage. As well as this, we have valuable and longstanding partnerships with UK charities Toilet Twinning and Send a Cow, plus many smaller initiatives and projects around the world. We’re members of UK travel industry bodies Tourism Concern and AITO because we believe it’s important to share our knowledge and experience, as well as learn from other operators. As a company we support Cool Earth. Protecting rainforest is one of the most effective actions to tackle climate breakdown. Cool Earth work with indigenous communities empowering them to conserve their forest; keeping CO2 locked in.

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