Flight free from the UK vacations

Although we welcome customers from around the world, our flight free vacations section is focused on travelers based in the UK, enabling them to book vacations in Europe where our partners can either book the train for you, or give detailed advice enabling you to book it yourself. These flight free vacations give you the chance to give carbon-heavy flights the boot and focus on less polluting (and far more fun) ways of getting from A to B.


Photography and kayaking vacation in Sweden

Photography and kayaking vacation in Sweden

Photo workshops by kayak in stunning Swedish archipelago
From €1,260 5 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 12 Sep
Women only kayaking holiday in Sweden

Women only kayaking holiday in Sweden

All ladies kayaking journey full of know-how and inspiration
From €1,030 5 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 26 Aug
Sweden kayaking and camping vacation

Sweden kayaking and camping vacation

Kayaking and wild camping among thousands of islands, Sweden
From €750 to €915 6 days ex flights
Tailor made: Can be booked between May and the end of September
Sweden kayaking vacation

Sweden kayaking vacation

Solo travellers! Explore the Swedish Archipelago by kayak.
From €1,070 5 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 19 Jun, 26 Jun, 3 Jul, 17 Jul, 31 Jul, 7 Aug, 14 Aug, 21 Aug, 28 Aug, 18 Sep
Responsible Travel, Travel Team

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Kayaking in Sweden, foraging and food

Kayaking in Sweden, foraging and food

Culinary Adventure in the Swedish Wilderness
From €1,360 4 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 8 Sep
    Photo credits: [Page banner: Kevin Schmid]