Iceland 6 day self drive tour

£1278excluding flights
6 Days
Tailor made
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Price per person based on 2 adults sharing a double/twin room with breakfast.
Tailor made, fully flexible itinerary to suit your departure dates with local assistance included. Travel by transfers or hire car. Ask for an international flight quote.
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Description of Iceland 6 day self drive tour

Price information

£1278excluding flights
Price per person based on 2 adults sharing a double/twin room with breakfast.
Tailor made, fully flexible itinerary to suit your departure dates with local assistance included. Travel by transfers or hire car. Ask for an international flight quote.
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Departure information

Everything is tweak-able, giving you the freedom to build a unique and personal trip for your chosen date. Upgrade your accommodation for all - or just part - of your trip, slow down the pace with few extra nights here and there or add a few more active adventures along the way.

Travel guides

Northern Lights
Even though we now know what causes them, the lights still retain certain mysteries – such as why they are more active around the equinoxes, and exact...
Much of Iceland's landscape could double for a Tolkien fantasy - the very earth is hot beneath your tread, spitting out hot liquids, lava, dark ash an...


3 Reviews of Iceland 6 day self drive tour

4.5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 05 Nov 2023 by

Outstanding. Very well organised. Read full review

Reviewed on 06 Oct 2023 by

Seeing some of the geological wonders of Iceland. The visit to Heimaey was just one of the highlights but we rank it at the top. Read full review

Reviewed on 22 May 2022 by

The hot spring area, lava exhibition, Seljalandsfoss waterfall (and nearby other waterfall) were all highlights. We also enjoyed one day walking round Reykjavik. The meal at The Lighthouse Inn was superb. Read full review

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


Our vacations are designed to make good things happen, for you and the places you visit. We believe that tourism can be a force for good, so we strive to preserve and support local communities and wildlife wherever we go. For us, an Iceland vacation is all about getting back to nature and experiencing local hospitality. Enjoy the dramatic scenery of The Westman Islands, spot whales from a traditional fishing boat, hike across the rugged West Fjords or climb the Vatnajökull in Skaftafell Natural Park.

Before departing on this trip, our customers will always receive an informative document called 'Be a responsible traveler', which provides useful advice on how they are able to travel in an environmentally-friendly way such as using reusable water bottles and limiting the amount of energy that they use.

We are very passionate about recycling, beginning in our Brighton office where we use a local company to ensure we all know where our waste is going, we encourage a no wastage policy, by asking staff to take leftover food home. We also have a largely ‘paperless’ office, refraining from publishing brochures and other marketing collateral, and instead of producing electronic documentation to ensure we use as little paper as possible.


We share very similar values to our local partners, ensuring our clients are taken to the ‘real’ Iceland in an authentic and meaningful way.

Wherever possible, we work with independently owned accommodation so that more of our travelers’ money stays in the local communities they are visiting. We also use local knowledgeable guides wherever possible for our excursions. We also encourage people to stay in local guesthouses as apposed to the the large chains. Within our local guesthouses customers are directly giving back to the staff who live locally, they also source local produce that will directly benefit local suppliers. One of our guesthouses in Iceland called solheimahjaleiga has a self sustainable farm on their grounds which allows them to grow their own produce. On our trips in Iceland we include breakfast throughout where you will have the option of a vegan/vegetarian breakfast also.

In our documentation that we send out prior to their departure, we inform all of our travelers on the appropriate customs and etiquette when traveling in Iceland.

We also ask customers to give a small donation towards a local charity once they have booked a trip with us.

We also recommend local activates that they can book once they are in country which also helps the local communities. We also our customers for tips when they return so that we can gain more knowledge on the local activities and small restaurants and shops to visit.

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