Ivory Coast vacations

One of Africa’s most recent additions to tourism, Ivory Coast vacations & Ivory Coast tours were out of bounds for years due to political conflict. On the Atlantic coast, and with former French colonial influences, Ivory Coast or Cote d’Ivoire holidays not only offer beach culture such as in the coastal delights of Sassandra or Grand-Bassam , but also fascinating cultural heritage. From the emptiest political capital in the world, Yamoussoukro to the vibrant Lobi, Fulani and Senoufou peoples of the north.


The Ivory Coast vacation

The Ivory Coast vacation

Explore the rainforest and culture of Ivory Coast
From US $4,030 to US $4,340 13 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 12 Oct, 2 Nov, 19 Dec
Ivory Coast discovery tour

Ivory Coast discovery tour

Join this escorted tour through Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
From £3,445 13 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 22 Feb, 4 Apr, 8 Aug, 7 Nov, 26 Dec
Ivory Coast tour, culture & history

Ivory Coast tour, culture & history

Discover Côte d’Ivoire, coastal jewel of West Africa
From US $3,580 8 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 9 Feb, 23 Feb, 8 Mar, 22 Mar, 5 Apr, 19 Apr, 3 May, 17 May, 31 May, 14 Jun, 28 Jun, 12 Jul, 26 Jul, 9 Aug, 23 Aug, 6 Sep, 20 Sep, 4 Oct, 18 Oct, 1 Nov, 15 Nov, 29 Nov, 1 Dec, 15 Dec, 29 Dec
2025: 12 Jan, 26 Jan, 9 Feb, 23 Feb, 9 Mar, 23 Mar, 6 Apr, 20 Apr, 4 May, 18 May, 1 Jun, 15 Jun, 29 Jun, 13 Jul, 27 Jul, 10 Aug, 24 Aug, 7 Sep, 21 Sep, 5 Oct, 19 Oct, 2 Nov, 16 Nov, 30 Nov
Ivory Coast small group tour

Ivory Coast small group tour

Explore the little known but welcoming Ivory Coast
From £4,450 to £4,550 13 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 22 Feb, 4 Apr, 8 Aug, 7 Nov, 26 Dec
Responsible Travel, Travel Team

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Ivory Coast vacation, ancient Gods of West Africa

Ivory Coast vacation, ancient Gods of West Africa

Traditional tribal cultures and fading colonial towns
From £3,499 to £3,575 11 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 22 Feb, 4 Apr, 8 Aug, 7 Nov, 26 Dec
2025: 23 Jan, 6 Mar, 10 Apr, 24 Jul, 6 Nov, 27 Dec
West Africa tour, Bissau to Cotonou

West Africa tour, Bissau to Cotonou

Voodoo heartlands, traditional storytellers and lush islands
From £8,499 to £9,099 4 weeks ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 7 Mar, 8 Dec
2025: 7 Mar, 7 Dec
Ivory Coast cultural tour

Ivory Coast cultural tour

Discover magic, dances, rituals and more
From €2,717 12 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 7 Feb, 6 Mar
Ghana & Ivory Coast vacation

Ghana & Ivory Coast vacation

2 weeks to explore Ghana & Cote D'Ivoire
From US $4,295 10 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 9 Feb, 23 Feb, 8 Mar, 22 Mar, 5 Apr, 19 Apr, 3 May, 17 May, 31 May, 14 Jun, 28 Jun, 12 Jul, 26 Jul, 9 Aug, 23 Aug, 6 Sep, 20 Sep, 4 Oct, 18 Oct, 1 Nov, 15 Nov, 29 Nov
2025: 1 Jan, 15 Jan, 29 Jan, 12 Feb, 26 Feb, 12 Mar, 26 Mar, 9 Apr, 23 Apr, 7 May, 21 May, 4 Jun, 18 Jun, 2 Jul, 16 Jul, 30 Jul, 13 Aug, 27 Aug, 10 Sep, 24 Sep, 8 Oct, 22 Oct, 5 Nov, 19 Nov
    Photo credits: [Page banner: Maxence]