Jamaica highlights tour

You’ll see photo-ready beaches, waterfalls and storied towns on this Jamaica adventure. But you’ll also meet remote village communities and bays untouched by the cruise crowds.
Port Royal Devon House Kingston Blue Mountains National Park Blue Lagoon Frenchman’s Cove Luminous Lagoon Montego Bay Negril Seven Mile Beach Appleton Estate Cockpit Country Accompong Y S Falls Treasure Beach
US $3200US $2930ToUS $3360 excluding flights
10 Days
Small group
More info
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
Single supplement available.
Mimimum age 16.
Up to US $270 off selected dates.
Late availability on these dates: 14 Feb, 20 Mar, 24 Apr
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Description of Jamaica highlights tour


Price information

US $3200US $2930ToUS $3360 excluding flights
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
Single supplement available.
Mimimum age 16.
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Travel guides

Few countries are associated with a particular sound quite as much as Jamaica – and people often arrive here with a head full of clichés – of Rastas, ...
The poet Derek Walcott, who came from St Lucia, said that “The Caribbean is not an idyll, not to its natives. They draw their working strength from it...

Vacation information

Dietary requirements:
We can cater for vegetarian and vegan diets.


3 Reviews of Jamaica highlights tour

4.5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 02 Dec 2023 by

Met, and in some cases exceeded, our expectations. Tish was fantastic. The excursions were amazing. And everything else will stay with us forever! Read full review

Reviewed on 11 Nov 2022 by

Very enjoyable Read full review

Reviewed on 30 Nov 2019 by

The thing that made the vacation successful was the wide range of activities crammed into a short period. Read full review

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


An important part of our business is our commitment to environmentally responsible practices in all of the locations that we visit. In Jamaica this is no different, and our local Tour Leaders will encourage customers to use their own water bottles (which we advise customers to take), advising them where to fill them up in each destination. This guide will also have training in upholding our policy of Leaving no Trace – this is particularly important in areas like the Blue Mountains and Cockpit Country, which are rich in wildlife and potentially fragile. We brief all customers on sticking to designated trails and following local conservation regulations.

We strive for low group numbers in all destinations, and in Jamaica the maximum group size is 16 people, which allows us to use a small vehicle for traveling around the island rather than a large tour bus. Where possible, we always do our city tours on foot instead of by bus - this not only prevents excess pollution within the city but is also a key way for you to discover more of the hidden backstreets that make foreign travel so fun and interesting.

As a travel company we are continually looking for ways to improve and are proud to be ‘Responsible in everything we do’. Education is key, and so all staff, Tour Leaders and partnering suppliers are trained in responsible and sustainable tourism. At our Head Office, we continually strive towards a sustainable and planet-friendly working environment, including having solar panels installed and a company commitment to reducing our plastic usage.


Jamaica has a reputation for being a haven for all-inclusive beach resort vacations, where people stay in the hotel complex, occasionally doing organised day-trips to close-by locations. Our Jamaica vacation intends to give you the opportunity to discover the 'real' Jamaica by staying in small, locally owned accommodation, eating in local restaurants and shopping in one-off shops.

We stay with the Maroon community in western Jamaica, where often the villagers, the last of their community, travel more and more into the cities to seek work. By offering sustainable tourism opportunities they are ensuring that the Maroon legacy can continue - we're keen to support them by staying in their homes and learning about their way of life.

In addition, in Treasure Beach you have the chance to do a cooking class with a local chef, and also undertake a craft workshop with the Treasure Beach Women's Group, where your money goes into helping promote awareness of women's health and women's issues within the surrounding area.

Throughout the trip we'll use a local Tour Leader who really knows the best places to shop and eat, ensuring that money stays within the local community. Using local guides and crew is consistent with our policy to generate local employment and deliver direct economic benefits to the areas we are traveling in. It is important that the people who work for us are treated fairly and confident in their work. This is why we take care to train all our local tour leaders and give them all the support they need to do their job well.

As a company we have valuable and longstanding partnerships with UK charities Toilet Twinning and Send a Cow, plus many smaller initiatives and projects around the world. We’re members of the UK travel industry body AITO because we believe it’s important to share our knowledge and experience, as well as learn from other operators.