Kazakhstan vacations

Although Kazakhstan vacations invite you into one of the largest countries on the planet you still might not be fully prepared as to what you’ll find inside. Almaty, for starters, displays Kazakhstan’s cosmopolitan side whilst Altyn-Emel National Park and Aksu-Dzhabagly are all about the wildlife and amazing rock formations which can be found in and around Charyn Canyon. From Tamgaly to Turkestan, prepare to be amazed.


Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan overland tour

Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan overland tour

Journey through the heart of Central Asia's wilderness
From £1,045 to £1,295 16 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 19 Jun, 26 Aug
2025: 9 Jun
    Photo credits: [Page banner: Dmitry A. Mottl]