Mongolia nomad horse riding vacation

Nine day small group tour of Central Mongolia with opportunities to ride or trek for 4-5 hours a day. Stay with nomadic families in ger camps and cross the Gobi Desert by camel.
Ulaanbaatar Kharkhorin Erden Zuu Monastery Wild horses in Khustai National Park Tovkhom Monastery Orkhon Waterfall Orkhon Valley Khuisiin Naiman Nuur (8 lakes) Cross the Gobi Desert on a camel Stay with nomadic families in traditional ger camps
US $2399 excluding flights
9 Days
Small group
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8 nights based on twin sharing 8 Breakfasts, 8 Lunches, 8 Dinners Includes all transfers, guides and porters Grade 6-intermediate riders, approx 6 hours riding/day Single Supplement applies ($150), contact us for details
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Description of Mongolia nomad horse riding vacation


Price information

US $2399 excluding flights
8 nights based on twin sharing 8 Breakfasts, 8 Lunches, 8 Dinners Includes all transfers, guides and porters Grade 6-intermediate riders, approx 6 hours riding/day Single Supplement applies ($150), contact us for details
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Travel guides

Horse riding
Horse riding vacations vary hugely. You can choose to ride across the endless Mongolian steppe for nine hours a day, dining with nomads and sleeping un...
One of life’s great freedoms is adventure, a privilege most of us take for granted and that isn’t always compatible with our organised, routine lives....


2 Reviews of Mongolia nomad horse riding vacation

4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 05 Sep 2023 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

The 4 days in the wilderness, staying with Nomad families and riding in breathtaking scenery.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

If you are traveling to Ulaanbaatar via Frankfurt airport, make sure you give yourself plenty of time as it takes at least 3 hrs to check out and back in again.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

During the week there were at least 12 local people that were employed to help and guide us. Certainly there was no rubbish left behind at any of the stops that we made.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

The 4 days riding and staying in the wilderness was the highlight of the trip, and whilst the drive to get there and back was scenic, it was 4 long days of driving. However, I believe that it was worth the drive to get there to witness the wildlife, scenery and culture. Overall it was a fantastic experience for me and my sons.

Reviewed on 18 Aug 2023 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

The wildness of Mongolia and reconnecting with the natural world

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

If you are looking for luxury this is not for you, but if you are looking to reconnect with some core principles in life - people, community and nature then this vacation is a no brainier.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes overall.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Sam organised a fantastic trip for my family with teenage children to Mongolia. Unforgettable experience all round.. Amazing Mongolia and thank you to Sam and our guide Oyu for organising such a unique adventure for us all.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


We work closely with local individuals and their families in Mongolia to design journeys in an optimal way to limit our impact on the environment.

We stay with local families and in locally owned hotels in the cities, and travel with local guides to learn about the local traditions and culture along the way. This adventure involves a lot of hiking and riding through pristine environments and we work with the policy of ‘Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints’. This means that we do not leave any foreign materials or waste in these environments from our camps, nor do we take any objects from the environment nor disturb its equilibrium by our presence or actions.

Throughout the trips, we will stay with local families in their felt gers, all of which use solar power for lighting at night. These are summer gers and are packed down for the winter.

Finally, we are very proud to have partnered with Water-To-Go, specialists in personal and expedition water purification, instantly, and on-demand. Their unique, 350L water bottles incorporate advanced filtration technology to convert even the dirtiest water to drinking water as you fill up.

Being able to produce safe drinking water from sources off the beaten track, of sometimes dubious quality, offers incredible benefits to our adventure travelers and eliminates the need for single-use plastic bottles. We subsidise this product to make it more accessible to you.


This is a very interactive trip and we use local guides on this who help to explain the cultural necessities and customs. Some examples of this include not passing close to a ger without loudly informing the occupants first; failure to do this means the group or a client can be attacked by the guard dogs and will cause great discomfort and embarrassment to the occupants and possible injury to the dogs which then have to be forcibly restrained when they were only doing their job.

Similarly in Mongolia if you were to throw a piece of plastic into the fire in the middle of a ger you would be seen to disrespect the god of the fire and therefore the hospitality of the family you were staying with.

We actively encourage the giving of tips for meaningful services an the purchasing of locally sourced goods/souvenirs to support families and communities. We believe that partnering with local families not only enriches the overall experience of this trip but it also allows our clients to understand local traditions in Mongolia.

When staying with local families our travelers will learn many local traditions and techniques from the families making their many varied dairy products including khmyes which is a slightly fermented milk drink, customarily used to welcome new comers into a Ger, as well as yogurt, butter, cheese and even .... vodka!

Travelers also can learn how to milk the yaks and cows with the women of the families, every sunrise!.

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