Multi activity vacations in Switzerland

Very few European countries hold as much potential for multi-activity vacations, or arrange them against such an exhilarating canvas of scenery, as Switzerland. Here towering, snow-fringed mountain peaks overlook deep pine-forested valleys and alpine meadows speckled with colourful wildflowers, glimmering glacial lakes and fast-running rivers fed by waterfalls that splash down steep rock walls. Breathtaking doesn’t do it justice.

Cable cars gently unfurl, delivering you to trailheads, ski pistes or extravagant viewpoints; walking trails and well-marked cycle paths lead you past UNESCO-listed vineyards terraced into the slopes, charming villages with traditional wooden houses and small farms, and that invigorating alpine air infuses everything with a sense of freshness. You’ll want to spend as much of your vacation outdoors, and that is exactly what Switzerland multi-activity vacations are geared up to allow.
In summer popular walking routes are crowded but you can combine your treks with wild swimming in lakes and rivers, canyoning, kayaking, rock climbing and paragliding. In the autumn, the scenery along routes such as the Eiger trail, the Maennlichen Romantic trails or the Five Lakes of Zermatt is magnificent to explore whether you’re on foot or on two wheels. Winter is ski season for Swiss resorts and while we’re not down skiing there are no end of other activities here to be enjoyed in a pristine snowbound landscape: cross country skiing and winter walks along pine-forested trails, dog sledding, glacier walks with crampons, sledging and snowshoeing. And spring, like autumn, has perfect temperatures for walking at high altitude, with fields draped in wildflowers and rivers flowing quickly, ideal for white water rafting. Switzerland is vast outdoor playground, and a truly year-round destination.

If you want to take it easier too, then look to walking trails of gentler gradient, wine tasting, or sightseeing whether it be by boat trips on the lake, ascending Mount Pilatus aboard the world’s steepest electric cogwheel railway (May to October only) or panoramic gondolas any time of year, or browsing the open air museum in Ballenberg. And wherever you go, whatever you do, you can be fuelled with lashings of fondue and delicious Swiss chocolate.

As with any outdoor activity vacation, it’s useful to keep in mind the seven principles of Leave No Trace, especially sticking to durable surfaces when you hike or bike (and the center of the trail where possible), and being careful not to leave any waste behind.

What do multi-activity vacations in Switzerland entail?

Our multi-activity vacations in Switzerland are tailor made, meaning that you have flexibility not only with your dates of travel, but also in building an itinerary around your own interests and abilities. You’ll have a few activities included in your tour price, such as cable car rides, boat trips, chocolate factory tours or wine tasting sessions, and can then add in others at a supplement, with your tour operator advising on what can be done, where, and assisting with bookings. So if you want to be pushing yourself throughout with more physical activities, or taking it fairly easy by interspersing rest days, it’s entirely up to you.
You’ll stay in small, family-owned accommodations on a bed and breakfast basis which means you support the local economy, and also get to know the welcoming Swiss people looking after you, and get around easily by public transport such as (electric) train – no need for a car here – so great for your carbon footprint while traveling. The operator will provide full support ensuring you can travel with confidence even if you’ve never been to Switzerland, or taken a vacation of this type before. You just need to show up in the right place at the right time for each activity.

And needless to say Swiss multi-activity vacations are a fantastic option for families looking for fun and games in a healthy environment, especially those with older teenagers able to get the most from the different activities around.

Our top trip

Switzerland activity vacation, tailor made

Switzerland activity vacation, tailor made

Mixture of activities through Switzerland's main attractions

From 2580 to3895 9 days ex flights
Tailor made:
This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

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Responsible Travel, Travel Team

Call us for a chat about our vacations. We are happy to discuss your vacation and help in any way we can. No bots, queues or awful hold music.

Responsible Travel, Travel Team

When to go

These are tailor made trips, so the best time to go on multi-activity vacations in Switzerland is… whenever you want. It boils down to what you want to do: hiking and mountain biking are idyllic in the spring and autumn, though with temperatures in resorts such as Interlaken averaging around 12°C in May, you’ll want to layer clothing. By July you’re likely to find it around a balmy 18°C, when water-based activities such as canyoning and swimming come into their own. And of course if you want to cross country ski, snowshoe or even try dog sledding in Switzerland then you need to be there in the winter season, spanning November to April though of course snowfall levels can never be guaranteed. We do recommend skipping high season if you can, when trails are busy, and instead visiting in quieter months when your custom will be much appreciated by local businesses.
Written by Rob Perkins
Photo credits: [Page banner: Kanton Glarus] [Intro: Kanton Glarus] [What do multi-activity vacations in Switzerland entail?: Kanton Glarus] [When to go: Kanton Glarus]