Panama vacations

After coups, canal controversies & dictators, Panama has a turbulent history and, although you can add it onto a Costa Rica trip easily, many don’t. Missing out on exquisite birdwatching in the cloud forests of the Boquete Highlands, or snorkelling around the San Blas archipelago, home to the indigenous Kuna people. Or Chagres NP, also home to the Embera people. All we are saying is, give Panama vacations & Panama tours a chance.


Central America cycling vacation

Central America cycling vacation

Colonial cities, cloud forests and tropical island paradise
From US $6,300 to US $7,050 15 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 27 Jul, 28 Sep, 12 Oct, 26 Oct, 9 Nov
2025: 18 Jan, 1 Feb, 15 Feb, 1 Mar, 26 Jul, 27 Sep, 11 Oct, 8 Nov, 22 Nov
    Photo credits: [Page banner: Ben Kucinski]