Sri Lanka and the maldives small group tour

US $5110ToUS $5510 excluding flights
22 Days
Maldives, Sri Lanka
Small group
More info
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
Single supplement available.
Mimimum age 16.
Up to US $210 off selected dates.
Late availability on these dates: 25 Feb, 03 Mar, 31 Mar
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Description of Sri Lanka and the maldives small group tour


Price information

US $5110ToUS $5510 excluding flights
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
Single supplement available.
Mimimum age 16.
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Travel guides

Sri Lanka & Maldives
Combining the rich heritage of Sri Lanka with the desert island perfection of neighbouring Maldives creates a magical mix that’ll tickle the taste bud...
Sri Lanka
Tourism has officially hit the fast track in Sri Lanka. Gone are the days of tagging the country on to a trip to India. Temples and ancient kingdoms a...


1 Reviews of Sri Lanka and the maldives small group tour

5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 18 Dec 2023 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

The most memorable and exciting part of our vacation in Sri Lanka was undoubtedly the sunrise ascent of Sigiriya Rock. Climbing the ancient rock fortress
under the early morning sky was an experience that transcended the ordinary and left an indelible mark on our hearts.

As we ascended the steep staircase, surrounded by the remnants of a once-majestic kingdom, the anticipation grew with each step. The breathtaking
panoramic views unfolding as we reached the summit were nothing short of awe-inspiring. The golden hues of the rising sun cast a magical glow over the
lush landscape, revealing the intricate network of gardens, moats, and ancient structures below.

Standing atop Sigiriya, we felt a profound connection to the rich history and cultural heritage of Sri Lanka. Our guide, with a deep understanding of the site,
shared captivating stories about the kings who once ruled from this elevated fortress and the architectural marvels that surrounded us.

The combination of the challenging ascent, the serenity of the early morning, and the historical significance of Sigiriya created a perfect harmony of
adventure and cultural immersion. It was a moment of sheer beauty and wonder, and the memory of that sunrise at Sigiriya will forever remain etched in
our minds as the pinnacle of our Sri Lankan vacation.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

You do not need to take thermals or any towels (beach or otherwise) I definitely overpacked when booking this vacation as these points were not covered in
the trip notes.

Also, there was a failure to mention that you needed to complete the online arrival/departure form for the Maldives 96 hours in advance of your arrival, it
was only because I heard this being explained to a couple at Heathrow that I realised I needed to do this. Also you can complete the arrival form for Sri
Lanka online so do that in advance too, saves time when you land.

Ensure you already have US Dollars for the Maldives, as you don't really have time to sort this out once you land from Sri Lanka. I would say you only need
to budget for your soft drink/alcohol consumption on the boat, there are limited opportunities to bur souvenirs so you do not need to take a lot. Also, if you
get seasick ensure you take tablets with you as the boat cannot provide these and it is difficult to carve out time to visit a pharmacy in Male.

In Sri Lanka do not feel pressured/compelled to buy things at all the sites you are taken to as a lot of things are cheaper in markets and supermarkets that
you will visit in cities when you have some free time. They take you to places that are approved by the Sri Lankan Tourist Board but they are about 5 to 10
times more expensive than the locally bought items. However, this means that you may get dust if you are buying from unregulated places instead of those
legitimate exotic spices you wanted. Branded items in supermarkets are safer bets than hand written labelled items in markets, especially for food
products. Also don;t forget to barter, barter, barter. Go lower than the price you would like to pay first then go up to the price you actually would be happy
paying as then they feel like you have made a concession.

There is no WIFI available on the boat in the Maldives, which was not an issue for me and I enjoyed the conversation and games I had with my fellow
travelers in the evenings. Something that would not have happened had we all been glued to our phones. If you are desperate for WIFI during this week
you can get a sim for a week at the airport but it will cost you around USD$50

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Our vacation in Sri Lanka was designed with a focus on benefiting local communities and minimizing environmental impact:

Local Engagement:
We hired local guides, used locally-owned services, and supported family-run businesses to ensure that our spending directly benefited the communities
we visited.

Cultural Preservation:
We engaged in cultural activities, visited traditional markets, and prioritised local experiences, contributing to the preservation of local traditions and

Responsible Tourism:
We practiced responsible wildlife tourism, choosing eco-friendly options that prioritize animal welfare, and adhered to guidelines for minimising
environmental impact during hikes and treks.

Conservation Support:
Actively seeking opportunities to support local conservation initiatives, we visited national parks with conservation programmes and contributed to
community-based conservation project, like the turtle hatching sanctuary

Environmental Consciousness:
Mindful of our environmental impact, we minimised single-use plastics, chose accommodations with eco-friendly practices, and opted for public
transportation when possible. However, for the Maldives portion on the trip I think it would be good for Explore to recommend/insist that travelers
take/use reef/ocean safe sunscreen (with links to safe products) to try to minimise the adverse effects on its fragile reef ecosystems. Not everyone is aware
about this so education is key.

In summary, the trip was not only a memorable experience for us but also aimed at positively contributing to local communities, cultural preservation, and
environmental sustainability.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

I cannot emphasize enough how pivotal our guide in Sri Lanka was in making this trip truly unforgettable. From the moment we landed to our final
farewell, our guide's exceptional qualities shone through, turning our expedition into a seamless and enriching experience.

Our guide Pmal Nalaka Nanayakkara (aka Nala), whose knowledge seemed boundless, was a walking encyclopedia of Sri Lankan history, culture, and
geography. Every historical site, every bustling market, and every scenic landscape came alive with stories and insights that added immeasurable depth to
our journey. Their passion for their homeland was evident in the way they shared anecdotes and details, making the entire trip an educational and
immersive experience.

What truly set our guide apart was their friendly and approachable demeanor. From day one, they made us feel like more than just tourists; rather, we were
welcomed as friends eager to explore the wonders of Sri Lanka together. Their genuine interest in our preferences and interests ensured that each day was
tailored to suit our desires, transforming the trip into a personalized and intimate adventure.

Patience was another virtue that our guide possessed in abundance. As we navigated through bustling markets, ancient ruins, and lush landscapes, our
guide patiently answered every question, clarified every curiosity, and allowed us the time and space to absorb the beauty and history surrounding us. Their
unwavering patience created an atmosphere of tranquility, allowing us to savor every moment without feeling rushed.

Flexibility and accommodation were hallmarks of our guide's service. They adeptly adjusted our itinerary to accommodate our spontaneous desires,
ensuring that no opportunity for discovery was missed. Whether it was an impromptu detour to a local festival or a last-minute adjustment to avoid crowds,
our guide seamlessly adapted to our needs, making the journey not just organized but also incredibly enjoyable.

In conclusion, our trip to Sri Lanka was elevated to extraordinary heights by the presence of our guide. Their knowledge, friendliness, patience, flexibility,
and accommodation turned what could have been a standard vacation into a deeply enriching and personalized experience. If you are seeking a guide who
goes above and beyond to make your journey memorable, I wholeheartedly recommend [Guide's Name] for your Sri Lankan adventure. Their passion for
their country and commitment to ensuring an unparalleled experience make them an invaluable asset to any traveler fortunate enough to have them as a

My birthday fell in the Maldive section of the vacation and the crew could not have made more of an effort to make it special if they tried. Dinner on a
deserted island, surprise bunk decoration and a homemade cake to top it off. It was greatly appreciated.

I would highly recommend this trip, the two weeks in Sri Lanka seeing all the sites and tasting all the food moving from place to place is magnificently
balanced followed by a weeks' more relaxed pace of snorkelling in the Maldives, where no unpacking and repacking is necessary. Although there are a lot of
early starts on both trips.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


Sri Lanka is famous for its wildlife including elephants and turtles, and our visits to the national parks at Wilpattu and Minneriya helps to support the conservation of the animals and their habitat. This is both through the financial benefit of or entrance fees but also the interest shown by our visits to such places helps provide the government and local people alike with an incentive for their preservation for future generations to enjoy.
We visit the Wilpattu National Park which is much less touristy than the better known Yala National Park. This gives a much better experience whilst acting in a much more responsible manner – fewer vehicles and people converging on the animals.

Our hotels are mostly locally owned and a great example is the Lake hotel at Dambulla. The hotel takes its sustainability seriously and has installed a biomass boiler which produces 200 kg of steam per hour and drives the chiller. This consumes less than one tenth the electricity of a conventional chiller.
Over 40% of the hotel’s energy requirements is solar powered, including all of the hot water. Interestingly the hotel has 1.5 acres of farmland that it uses to produce the fruits and vegetables served in its restaurant. They also host 4 bee colonies which pollinate and benefit the local agriculture and environment.

In Sri-Lanka most of our travel is done by mini bus, despite the distances but we also use trains and boats that are less environmentally harmful than large coaches. Whilst traveling we have the chance to eat in local restaurants or markets, rather than tourist hotels, enjoying wonderful locally produced food.

Our cruise in the Maldives not only allows us to enjoy the amazing scenery and snorkel the fabulous coral reefs, we also get a unique insight into island life and culture on our many visits to remote islands, meeting the locals and sometimes getting a chance to visit their homes and see some of their traditions and ceremonies a world away from the tourist areas. When snorkelling, we follow guidelines that ensure we protect wildlife and coral and that we do not have any adverse impact on the environment we visit. On most departures we are able to engage in a short beach cleaning exercise so we leave these beautiful islands in a better state than we found them.

As a company we support Cool Earth. Protecting rainforest is one of the most effective actions to tackle climate breakdown. CoolEarth work with indigenous communities empowering them to conserve their forest; keeping CO2 locked in.


This trip gives us a great experience of the cultural heritage, natural beauty and friendly and hospitable people in Sri Lanka and the Maldives. By using local tour leaders you’ll be able to enjoy and learn about many aspects of life in these countries not accessible on other trips, and of course it is a significant way to create local employment.

In Sri Lanka you’ll be supporting the local economy through using locally owned hotels and restaurants. Also some of our excursions directly benefit vulnerable communities. We are proud to have adopted an orphaned baby elephant in Sri Lanka’s Udawalawe National Park several years ago. Serendip fell into a trench when she was only a few months old but was rescued and was returned into the wild – where she belongs - when she was 5 years old.

In the Maldives we avoid the large International resorts altogether, stopping at small local fishing villages on lesser known atolls to gain a genuine insight into the traditional Maldavian lifestyles away from the tourist industry.
In addition to the above, we are continually looking for ways to improve and are proud to be ‘Responsible in everything we do’. Education is key and so all staff, Tour leaders and partnering suppliers are trained in responsible and sustainable tourism. At our UK Head Office, we continually strive towards a sustainable and planet-friendly working environment, including having solar panels installed and a company commitment to reducing our plastic usage. As well as this, we have valuable and longstanding partnerships with UK charities Toilet Twinning and Send a Cow, plus many smaller initiatives and projects around the world. We’re members of UK travel industry bodies Tourism Concern and AITO because we believe it’s important to share our knowledge and experience, as well as learn from other operators.

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