The Baltic experience tour

A fascinating fortnight’s tour of all three Baltic States, bookended by Finland, Poland and Germany – think culture, history and national parks, too.
Finland: Helsinki Estonia: Tallinn Latvia: Riga Lithuania: Klaipeda Curonian Spit National Park bike tour village of Nida Vilnius train to Ignalina Aukstaitija National Park guided kayaking hiking, fishing, swimming Poland: Warsaw Germany: Berlin
US $3165ToUS $3610excluding flights
12 Days
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Small group
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Single supplement $515.
Last minute
Late availability on these dates: 04 May, 11 May, 15 May
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Description of The Baltic experience tour


Price information

US $3165ToUS $3610excluding flights
Single supplement $515.
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Travel guides

Baltics vacations flow into one seamless sojourn with Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius offering an assortment of cultural treats captured within three UNESCO-...
Lithuania doesn’t really do street food but if it did you could bet potatoes, dumplings and dill would be in there somewhere. Big cities like Vilnius,...

Vacation information

Small group tour, ideal for solos & couples:
Small group travel is not large group travel scaled down. It is modeled on independent travel – but with the advantage of a group leader to take care of the itinerary, accommodation and tickets, and dealing with the language. It’s easy to tick off the big sights independently – but finding those one-off experiences, local festivals, traveling markets and secret viewpoints is almost impossible for someone without the insider knowledge gained from years in the field. For those with limited time, a small group tour will save valuable time in planning, and on vacation.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


The very ethos of our style of travel is responsible; small groups on fully escorted tours, experiencing the very best of a region, a culture and a landscape, with a friendly local hand guiding the way. Our itineraries are designed to give our travelers real life experiences without compromising the part of the world through which we are journeying, this is our commitment as a global tour operator.

As a company, our responsibilities don’t stop when our tours end. We run and support a variety of projects globally, from healthcare, education, human rights, child welfare, sustainable development and environmental and wildlife protection. Our own in house foundation has been in operation for over 11 years; a not-for-profit fund that has distributed over AU$3 million to more than 70 non-government organisations since 2002. Donations come from our travelers and are then matched by us dollar for dollar.


Throughout this trip we use many locally operated and run hotels and pensions. We even have a home stay in Aukstatijia National Park in Lithuania with a very welcoming local family. Not only does this give you an insight into Lithuanian life, but is also helps support the local family financially by enjoying their home cooked meals and lovely accommodation during the two days you spend there. Additionally, you visit a Bee Keeping Museum where you can visit the museum and purchase locally produced products.

Your leader and local guides will be able to direct you to many local eateries throughout the trip, helping you discover real local fare, at real local prices (and probably helping you learn some local language at the same time).

On the many guided town tours we use the services of a local guide, helping to bring money into the local community and giving our travelers the benefit of the experience through the eyes of a local

In the Baltic States, our focus is on making a positive impact, providing numerous opportunities for local interaction as we cover so much ground using all means of public transport. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn from a friendly local who strikes up a conversation during your journey. Visting the markets in Riga and Vilnius is a great opportunity to have some local interaction and help support the communities we visit. Elderly people in the Baltic States have depended on selling their produce at markets for many years as often this is the only way they can survive. The money they receive from the government is not usually enough. So by visiting the markets, not only do you get a great chance for local interaction, but you also help support the locals by purchasing locally grown produce and products.

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