Things to do in Canada

Fawn over fauna

The polar bear gets top billing in Canada’s show of wildlife wonders, with Churchill in Manitoba considered the capital of polar bear watching in the world. Just south of the Arctic Circle, on the western shore of Hudson Bay, if you head here in October and November, you will get to see the bears gather en route to the Bay as it starts to freeze. The Far North is also superb for seeing musk-oxen herds and also migratory waterfowl.

British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains are the places to see grizzly and black bears. With the help of expert guides, head to the Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, Bella Coola or British Columbia’s snow-capped Coast Range mountains, which are also home to the Great Bear Rain Forest. No prizes for guessing who eats the porridge in those woods.

Whales are the maritime top billers, however, with orcas, humpbacks and more all playing center stage off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Seeing orcas from a kayak off Vancouver Island is like something out of this world.
Canada is big, beautiful and it rocks, with the Rocky Mountain range the big mama here.

Rambling the Rockies

It's hard to know where to start walking in Canada, as you could hike forever here. From Vancouver hike the national parks of Jasper, Banff, Glacier and Yoho all within a 13-day walking vacation. Or head with a packhorse and guide into the even more remote Tweedsmuir Park of British Columbia, following ancient Indian trading routes. And for littoral loveliness, the islands of Nova Scotia and Fundy National Park are Atlantic adventures extraordinaires.

Winter wilderness

The Canadians get winter. They even have a national winter sport – ice hockey, of course. And, just like the game, Canadians embrace winter with gusto, determination and cheer. If you want to witness wilderness in winter, Canada has a massive support network for you to do so. The activities on offer, in the plethora of national parks such as Jasper, Banff and Yoho, include cross country skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating and, of course, dog sledding. Also known as ‘mushing’, life doesn’t get more exhilarating than this. Traditionally, all mushers share one passion: to go in search of solitude in an unforgiving environment and thereby experiencing a true life of man (and dog) versus nature. Or, as Jack London famously named it in his novel, to follow “The Call of the Wild”. And Canada is certainly calling.

Our top trip

Western Canada family fly drive vacation

Western Canada family fly drive vacation

An action-packed family adventure in Western Canada

From £3750 14 days ex flights
Tailor made:
This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

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Responsible Travel, Travel Team
We were riding across the Saskatchewan Plains, miles from the sea when suddenly, out of nowhere, giant sand dunes appeared like a mirage.

Gallop the plains

The province of Saskatchewan sometimes gets left off the map, but it is well known by horse lovers. This is the land of ranches and riding, cowboys/girls and canyons, prairies and peace. Much further up north, in Yukon, you can have an even wilder adventure, journeying by horse for five days, camping at night under the stars, catching dinner in the creeks and revelling in glorious northern exposure.
Written by Catherine Mack
Photo credits: [Page banner: chris salt] [Fawn over fauna: robynm] [Rambling the Rockies: Joel Cross] [Winter wilderness: LOST_CANYON] [Gallop the plains: Drm310]