Taiwan National Parks vacation

£2495excluding flights
13 Days
Tailor made
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Price includes accommodation on twin/double basis, airport transfers, touring with English-Speaking Guides, rail journeys and meals as stated (B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner).
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Description of Taiwan National Parks vacation

Price information

£2495excluding flights
Price includes accommodation on twin/double basis, airport transfers, touring with English-Speaking Guides, rail journeys and meals as stated (B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner).
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Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

Travel guides

Taipei, Taiwan’s capital, can create contemporary culture shocks although traditional Chinese heritage is never far from the shiny surface, especially...
I am a grown man, and have travelled all over Africa. But the first time I saw a tiger in the wilds of India, I cried.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


As a destination Taiwan does not tend to attract huge numbers of visitors and as a result environmental considerations which are now common-place in many other parts of the world often get overlooked. We work with our local agent to encourage environmental responsibility where possible. Such things as not asking for new towels every day in the hotel and turning lights off when leaving a room are strongly encouraged by our local agents and the hotel but can be still slow to catch on.

All food served on the tour is sourced locally which not only helps the local communities but minimises the environmental impact of transporting goods.

We use the country's extensive rail network which means fewer vehicles are required to transport visitors thus avoiding excess vehicle fumes being released into the atmosphere. Where applicable, drivers of the vehicles are also advised not to leave it 'idling' to avoid release of pollution into the air.


Our local Taiwanese agents have been operating tours to the country since 1971 and they are an important employer of local Taiwanese drivers and guides.

This tour stays in a locally owned and run guesthouse at Sun Moon Lake which employs local staff from the surrounding villages. This is a small but important employer for the local community. It also stays in a traditional hotel in Taroko National Park which offers guests the opportunity to learn a little about the local aborigine cuisine and performances.

The various entrance fees paid by the local agents as part of the tour go towards supporting the museums, temples and national parks and stops are made to give visitors the opportunity to buy handicrafts direct from the craftsmen themselves. The trip is guided by English-speaking Taiwanese guides which not only provides revenue for the local guides themselves but also provides the most current information on the country.

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